Our Team

The True Blue Crew

True Blue GardenScapes is a gardening & design firm in the Pacific Northwest, rooted in the foundations of horticultural therapy. We believe in supporting our clients in creating naturally beautiful spaces that nurture and enrich their lives and outdoor environment.

Professional. Creative. Stylish. Gardeners & Changemakers.

With a passion for growing.

Alyssa Dawn in floral dress

ProprietorAlyssa Dawn

Gardening as nature intended, Alyssa Dawn is creative in her design approach to urban environments using principles of therapeutic horticulture. Working individually with clients and guiding organizations through the process of setting up their own outdoor space, it is a lifelong goal to grow these connections with people in a beneficial manner to health and well-being.

Alyssa also loves a good nature-pun, naturally.

Lead Carpenter & Field ManagerSaja Summervale

Saja joined Alyssa Dawn in the garden 15 years ago. Saja is a carpenter turned professional pruner in true westcoast style, implementing hardscape custom fences, kiwi arbours, and garden installations, complementing their skills both in home and garden. On-site, custom problem solving.

An artist by nature, Saja creates your garden desire… with a flair.

About Us

True Blue GardenScapes is a gardening & design firm in the Pacific Northwest, rooted in the foundations of horticultural therapy.

Grow With Us

True Blue GardenScapes, Vancouver, BC

© 2024 True Blue GardenScapes